Friday, December 21, 2007

wat d fuck is happening????!!!!

so dramatis gitu judulnya,
tapi emg ak yg pgn teriak gt.

entah apa krn ak yg klewat sensi, atw emg kyk gt keadaannya skrg.

it's started like 4 days ago or so [i'm being time-disoriented again].

one of my pal, started to act weird [towards me].
at first i think he's stucked in sum kind of problems or troubles.
no sms', no phone calls.. weird.. not like usual.
but he said dat he's just so busy [when we chatted on ym]

but days went by.
dan situasinya tetep sperti itu,.

ko aneh yah?

i started to feel like i'm losing him.

did i do sumthing wrong?

did i say sumthing wrong?

krn dia ga sperti yg biasanya.
knp yah?

suka ngilang-ngilang gitu, dan ga jelas aja.

dan udah ga ada curhat2an lagi.

and even, dia menjadi jarang sekali menghina dan memaki saya.

spertinya hubungan pertemanan kita udh mulai merenggang, dan yg bikin bingung, ak ga tau apa sebabnya,.

am i being over sensitive?

ga ngerti ak.

he is one of my friend that knew the inside and outside of me.
and it'll be a great loss if we just cut dat friendship.

tell me if i did sumthing wrong.
that's wat friends are for, aite?

wake up, hon...
wake up...!!!!!

i miss the old u...

just please get back to ur old self, the one dat i knew.
the one dat i considered as my friend.

if he changed because of sumone, i'll kill that sumone.
if he changed because of sumthing, i'll get rid of dat thing.

uh.. did i ask too much?
i just want my friend back.

that's all.