Sunday, September 30, 2007

the apple polisher

jd inget..
ama mantan pacar

hmm.. waktu itu ktemuan, setelah berapa kali ngobrol di telepon.
ngomong ini ngomong itu, ya msh sayang lah, ya knp bs berakhir tanpa kata putus lah, ya kangen lah..
bla bla bla deh pokoknya...


pas ktemuan, ehh... ama ceweknya juga.. hihihi...
dia sih udh bilang kalo dia pny cewe, trus ya cewe nya kan prnh triak2in aku..
that mad chick ituu (i wrote about her before, see my prev. post)

ya udah, i acted as a very nice girl with smooth as silk attitude
ngomong ma cewe nya aku kamu, huhuhu...
lucu bgt deh ngeliat tu cewe jd speechless gitu.
soalnya dia pas knalan ma aku udh pasang tampang super judes gitu, kyk ngajakin perang.

Tapi, darling... i won't bailed by that. hehehe... she should know better.
aku kan ga baru lahir kemaren.
cara menjatuhkan musuh yg paling ampuh adalah dgn bersikap manis dan sopan.
even tho, i didnt consider her as one of my enemy.
Tp dia yg anggep aku musuh.
well, darling.. there's no war that i didn't win.


stelah ktemuan itu, my ex nelp aku lg..
ngobrol ini ngobrol itu..
then, krn aku lg kpengen iseng bgt,

i said to him : " selingkuh yuk.. ama gue.. mau gak? "

him : " serius loe..?? "

me : " iya, serius "

him : " yakin..? "

me : " iya, yakin "

him : " ga boong..? "

me : " iya ga boong "

him : " ayo "

me : " bisa ngatur nya gak? udh brapa lama si pacaran ma dia? " (sambil ngakak dlm hati)

him : " bisaaa.. bisa kok. Hmm... baru dua bln "

me : " so.. it's on, then "

hohohoho... sgitu gampangnya dia... hehehehe

tapi aku blm tau niy, pengen beneran atau gmn.

Anyway, pas ktemuan itu dia ngasih hadiah kaos gitu, tp buat kakak ku.
soalnya gak ada yg ukuran aku.

Hm.. rata-rata cowok emang apple polisher ya?
ngungkapin perasaan dengan ngasih hadiah..

mestinya dia ngasih hadiah duit aja... hohoho... considering i'm broke rite now, duit jumlah berapa pun akan amat sgt dihargai.

One asinine to put to death

What does the word asinine mean?
look for it in a dictionary, darling..
cos i wont tell..

well, anyway, tonite it's a hell awless nite.
feel like in archaen ( look up again in dictionary,hon),

sebenernya, ga tau knapa aku tu lg ngerasa suntuk bgt. Anehnya rasa suntuk itu dateng bukan pas puasa, tapi setelah aku buka puasa.
Thank God, aku diberi kemudahan untuk puasa.
Tapii... setelahnya itu loh! ampun deh..!!

trus pengen aja keluar sebentar, liat dunia luar, menghirup udara luar.
Bukan pengen ke mall atau clubbing atau apalah, aku cuma pengen ngiter-ngiter aja.
but not alone.
i'm hoping that my bestfriend, tuthmen, will be able to accompany me.
so i waited for him to come. And he come..

but.. the problem starts there.
Somehow he doesn't want to go anywhere.
He just lay there on my mom's sofa, ngerasa kyk dirumahnya sendiri.

I feel like i'm gonna blow my own head off, u sure know how it feels.
jadi aku pergi aja, tentunya dengan membanting pintu rumah dgn amat sgt keras (i hope i didn't broke it, maaf pa.. tp aku emosi bgt)
trus aku jalan deh,...

dan u know what.. he, the only person that i considered as my bestfriend, didin't follow me,.
in fact, i know.. bahwa dia tetep dgn posisi nya yaitu tiduran di sofa mama.

gila yah..???! ga ada pedulinya sama sekali..
at least, ngomong apa kek gitu..
but he says nothing...

so ... i walked out... alone...

and now, being alone, is the very last thing i want. But i got it. Feels like shyt.

is it the best thing that my bestfriend can do?
abandon me...?

so what my enemy will do to me?
kill me?

hmm.. being killed is better than being alone.. maybe... dunno...

just feel so shytty rite now. and i dunno what to do next.

maybe i'll put him to death, that asinine..

Saturday, September 29, 2007

being geniusly stupid

tis is saturday nite, much people going out for a date,.

and me, still having the same lame saturday nite like usual.

Why oh why..?

cos i'm bored being superb-ly active and fun and awesome and grabbing everyone's attention from monday to friday.
am i being narcist? hoho.. i'm born wit it.. get used to it, honey

so, those five days are the time to be me, and on weekend... i have to be someone else.

it's funny tho, having a lame weekend when everyone trying to make the most of it.

Dun blame me for dat different ways of thinking.

Just try to understand me, i'm just being geniusly stupid.

that's it for now..


Friday, September 28, 2007

Sweaty Palms..

God Help me...

can't take it anymore...

my stomach hurts
my palms are sweating..

God.. help me..

give me a sign
give me a clue

to me..

so that i know

cos tis is so far from home

and there's no clean toilettes around..

'irma' 2007
(g0t inspired when i was on bus stop, with an urging need to poo-poo)

Down To The Beach

Down to the beach
Down to the beach
On a sunny day we go

Beach bags packed with sun screen lotions
Hands rubbing people’s backs in slow motion
Glistening oily bodies radiating with sensation

Down to the beach
Down to the beach
Where a chilly sea breeze blows

Let’s have some fun
In the red-hot sun

Down to the beach
Only there the ladies reveal saucy behinds
Whenever the raging sun is still kind

Down to the beach
As never-ceasing waves play across the shores
People happily play dreading any rainy downpour

Down to the beach
Where young lovers closely nestle
As sand creatures cause the sand to bristle
Seagulls gliding in the air with screams and whistles
Kids picking up shells and building stormy sand castles

Down to the beach
Where mostly good vibes flow

Down to the beach
We go whilst there is still sun without snow

Copyright 2006 - Sylvia Chidi

Paroles et Musique

ils parlent avec des mots précis
puis y pronocent toutes leurs syllabes
à tout bout d’champ, y s’donnent des bis
y passent leurs grand’journée à table

y ont des menus qu’on comprend pas
y boivent du vin comme si c’tait d’l’eau
y mangent du pain pis du foie gras
en trouvant l’moyen d’pas être gros

ils ont des tasses minuscles
et des immenses cendriers
y font du vrai café d’adulte
ils avalent ça en deux gorgées

on trouve leurs gros bergers allemands
et leurs petits caniches chéris
sur les planches des restaurants
des épiceries des pharmacies

y dissent qu’y dinent quand y soupent
et y est deux heures quand y dejeunent

Wedding And Nuddy Pants


muw crita niiiiyh…
kejadiannya siy udah lama, tp br keinget sekarang, trus pengen critaaaaa…


So, a week ago, I came to my friend’s wedding party. The one that threw a bachelorette party ( read “3 joints incident” ).

Trus, krn dia nyuruh untuk make kebaya, aku terpaksa pake kebaya.

When I was there, I met my other friends, and they're all wearing kebaya. hehe..
Ya udah deh, disana yah aku berusaha bersikap santun (cieee…) mengingat pakaian yang saya pake. Yang laennya juga jaim gila gitu… hohoho..

Well, pas tamu udah mulai sepi, Cuma sisa keluarga besar aja, pengantinnya udah bisa turun dari panggung. Mulai deh, kita bisa ketawa2 bebas, ngomong2 ga karuan.

Trus tmenku yg merupakan pengantin ceweknya, bisik2 ke kita semua.
dia bilang “Lo pada tau ga? Gue kan ga pake kolor. Enak deh, dingin2 gitu..hehe

ya ampuuun… emang ni orang ga ada brubahnya.

Respons aku Cuma “lha? enak dinginnya atau supaya gampang ntarnya??

Dia jawab “ Bneran supaya gak gerah, gue gak suka pantat gue lembab. Kalo masalah supaya ntarnya gampang, itu gak ngaruh tau! Knowing for sure that I’ll be completely naked, mo pake kolor ataw engga, ga ngaruh kan??

Dia ada benernya juga.

Ngapain juga susah2 pake kolor kalo akhirnya juga bakal telanjang??


Emang kalo udah masalah yang jorok2, dia paling jalan otaknya.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Birahi.... hohoho ( najesssssh!!!! )


Jude law,
napsuuuu bener saya ma kamuuuu...

maw cium..
maw raba2...

maw perkosa !!!!


kembali muncul ke permukaan

been a while yah, since my last writing..

to be honest, these few days been so shytty, ugh.. Troubles just keep on bumpin me, then had to clean up the craps and shyts (haven't finish yet, cos they sorta keep comin endlessly)

but, hm.. it's what i called "life".
If there is always peace surrounds me, hoho, kinda feel like dead.

Life is about facing all the troubles ..
not to make them gone, or settled, but just to face them, so that you know that you'll always have options to choose.

Life is about finding new shyts all the time ..
shytty people, shytty situation, shytty days, whatever..
Shyts will always exist.
Go and explore, the shyttyest shyt.. it will make your life more meaningful.


udah ah...

mo nulis topik laen ahhh...

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

migraine.. mikir utang! mikir honor!


mood: "so feckin headache"

so the topic for today is :

what is the best cure for migraine?
Migraine is my worst enemy, it is passed down generation after generation, from my great-great grandmother to my great grandma to my grandma to my mom and to me.
it is a truly life torcher.
hmm.. suddenly topiknya kok jd gak mnarik yah?
ganti aja deh,,,
ganti apa yah?
apa yah....?
tae ah... kpala ku sakit bgt nih, yg sbelah kanan.
ada crita lucuuu...
hmm... apa yah? (sambil nginget2..)
dugh.. ga bs inget! ga bs mikir!
kpn2 aja deh critanya.
Huuugh.. anyway, jd tambah pusing.
Gara2 inget, tulisanku di LionMag (Lion Air's inflight magazine) ampe skrg blm dibayar2!
padahal aku lagi mesen Bat pingpong ama Mr.Bule
coba bayangin, kayunya aja 650 ribu (joola rossi force) trus karetnya 250 ribu (joola samba) plus 90 ribu (dawei ).
Buseeet... utang ku hampir2 sejuta. Dugh... walaupun bisa nyicil bayarnya, tapi ga enak juga kalo tiap bulan cuma bayar 50 ribu. ya kaaaaan???
mudah2an ni cepet dibayar, kalo enggak.. bingung jadinya
Pasti pada mikir, ngapain buat pingpong aja mesti sampe ngeluarin sejuta, tapi...
penting bgt,darling. Kalo cuma sejuta mah blm apa2, banyak yg ampe ngeluarin 2 juta cuma buat bat pingpong.
anyway, rossiforce itu keren, pegangannya warna pink ma orange ! pokoknya aku banget deh..
hihihi... jd ga nyesel juga ngeluarin duit buat bat itu. worth it, honey.
ya udah ah...
aku udah mulai keringet dingin. migraine nya tambah parah.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Tragedi kolam arus


What a lovely sunday..

so happy... hihihi

walaupun agak2 immoral dikit ( bln puasa malah minum bir), tapi kan aku lagi gak puasa.. hihi.. jadi gak salah duuunk?

Anyway, there was a very stupid incident, but quite traumatic tho..

I was floating around on the stream pool, then....

pas lagi enak2nya ngapung pake ban dgn posisi duduk yg amat sgt nyaman, eh...

aku nyangkut di air terjunnya ( air ngocor yg amat sgt deras), i stuck!!! duuuh... sakit bener badanku kena air nya... kayak digebukin rasanya!

akhirnya aku menggulingkan diri alias menjatuhkan diri dari ban supaya bisa ngabur dari siksaan air itu, ehh...

u know what???!!!

pas aku berdiri ( air kolamnya cuma setinggi pinggang),
clana bikini aku udah rada melorot ampe 80% of my butt exposed to public, and atasan bikini ku juga udah kocar-kacir kmana2.

But thank God my boobs are tiny, jd gak bgitu mnarik perhatian deh. Cuma my butt bukan pemandangan yg oke juga, considering that i havent working out my butt these days.

Tapi yah sudah lah, aku tetep mempesona kok. Hohoho... najesh..

udah ah,..

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Alone in Beauty...

Another vacation.. Another enlightenment..

And it means.. lotss of geniusly idiotic incidents.. ha

It may also means that maybe this vacation wasn't real, u know.. just my imagination..

Not a problem, tho.. knowing that i barely can put a thick line between reality and fantasy, so it's up to u to decide. Use ur normal brains and make ur own conclusion.

So.. the first photo was taken on a very sunny day on a feckin amazing sandy beach.

I name it " Alone in Beauty "

Why? Because the beach is such a beauty, and me..? i'm alone..

Does it sound kinda depressing? nope.. the truth is.. actually i feel calmed down, i feel peace, feel the time flowing slowly..

Never in my life time i can be a calm person. Weird.. but true.

Anyway, at that time.. i was truly enjoying my time. Sunbathing, and drinking cold beers.. oh heaven.

because i was fully loaded with beers, i needed to urinate, a very urging need to urinate.

But on the other hand, i didnt wanna step away from my spot, from that beach..


I dug a hole.. on the white sands..

i Slid my bikini's panty down, and i feel the relieving pleasure as i saw the yellow-ish water streamed down through the sands and disapeared. Only leaves damp spot on the hole.

Hoa.. i Laughed.. feel so relieved, amazed, and it felt better than three-in-a-row orgasm.

My "miss cheerful" thought the same. She told me.

One other thing, i accidentally met a cute tan-skinned boy.. with sucha nice eyes and smile, and totally sexy arms! Uuw..

and i politely asked him : "Can i kiss u? on the lips?"

Tan-skinned boy : "what? do u mean it? u dont even know me.."

Me : "i mean it. I fall in luv wit ur lips at the first sight. So..?"

Tan-skinned boy : "ok, then.. umm.. are u gonna kiss me or should i kiss u first?"

Me : "i'll kiss...u...hmm..."

and... Damn!! that was the worst kiss i've ever had. But surely his lips feel yummy.haha

But what can i expect?
no-one can be a kissing expert at age 12.

is it a crime,? kissing an-under-age kid?


okay...enuff about the immoral story.

The second photo was taken by someone, who is consequently my imaginative friend.

My friend's name is.. i dunno (didn't have the chance to name him).

The photo took place somewhere (i'm not telling u, cos i dont know where).

I name this photo "Light Away my Dark"

With sucha "dark" theme. Reflects despair, lonely, betrayal and a slight of hope ( every bad things must have at least one good thing in it!!)

So.. considering my life which is full of darkness,

i did a "walk-away" pose as a symbol of me leaving the darkness and heading to the light

that's all... nothing more to write...

the darkness caling me...!! ( didn't i just write that i walked to the light? well, it was only for a day, not forever)

Friday, September 14, 2007

Ten great practical jokes to play

Found another one on Andy's web.
Should do this sometimes.... hohohoho

Dress up in a dog suit and run around the streets barking, poking your nose into other dogs' bottoms, chasing cats and knocking over rubbish bins. When the dog catcher finally nabs you, unzip the costume, step out and say in a smart-alecky sort of way, 'I'm not really a dog, you idiot--I was just tricking!'

Smell the cheese
Clench your fist and put it in the palm of your other hand. Ask your friend if they would like to 'smell the cheese.' When they put their face down close, punch them hard in the nose and say, 'Just tricking!'

Monster in the bath
Fill the bath up with warm water and lots of bubbles. Jump in, lie down as low as you can and wave your arms, screaming 'Help, it's got me! It's got me!' When your family rushes in to rescue you, sit up and say, 'Just tricking!'

Bone in the throat
While eating out at a crowded restaurant, pretend to get a fish bone stuck in your throat. Clutch your neck with both hands, cough all your food up, fall over backwards and kick your legs in the air. Then, when you've got a nice big audience crowding around you, take your hands away from your throat, stand up, calmly brush yourself down and say, 'Well, what are you all staring at? I was just tricking!'

Mixed lollies
Go into a milk bar and order four musksticks, two bubble gums, five cents worth of mint leaves, ten cents worth of the red ones, five bananas and a licorice stick. Check how much it all comes to so far, count your money and then order one redskin, three milkbottles, four jubes, a chuppa-chup, another licorice stick and two snakes. Check how much it all comes to again, yell, 'Just tricking!' and run out of the shop.

Will you marry me?
Ask somebody to marry you. Arrange a big wedding and invite heaps of guests, and then, when you're standing at the altar and the priest says, 'If there is anyone here who knows why this man and woman should not be joined in holy matrimony, let them speak now or forever hold their peace,' jump up and say, 'Yes--me, because I was just tricking!'

Cry wolf
Go out and mind the sheep on a cold night. Wait until everybody in the village is asleep, and then cry 'Wolf! Wolf!' at the top of your voice. When all the people in your village come running up to help you, smile and say, 'Just tricking!' Keep doing it until they get really mad and refuse to believe you any more. (If a wolf really does show up, say 'Nice doggy!' and hope like crazy that the wolf understands English.)

Catch of the day
Go to a well-known surf-fishing beach, swim out into deep water and find a baited hook. Hitch it to your bathers and then dive and twist and jump for all you're worth. When the poor sucker finally drags you up onto the beach, say, 'Thanks for the ride, but I'm not really a fish--I was just tricking!'

Take a few really deep breaths and puff yourself out until you are very large and round and capable of orbiting the sun once every 365 days. Allow a vast array of life forms to flourish on your surface, and when they start getting too smart for their own good, breathe out and return to normal size. Imagine how surprised everyone will be as they float off into space and realise that you were just tricking!

Ten Annoying Things to Do

Found it at Andy Griffiths' web..
Totally annoying

Twenty cents

Superglue one end of a long piece of cotton to a twenty cent coin. Then leave the coin in a prominent place on the footpath, for example right where everybody walks to get to the tuckshop. Take the other end of the cotton and go and hide around the corner or in a nearby bush. When somebody spies the coin on the path and bends down to pick it up, tug on the end of the cotton so that the coin jumps out of their reach.

Petrol powered leaf blower
Get a petrol powered leaf blower and a petrol powered leaf blower holster and hang it off your hip like a wild west gun-slinger. Then go swaggering down the street and challenge everybody you meet to a petrol powered leaf blower fight. If they say, 'But I haven't got a petrol powered leaf blower,' then say, 'Well that's just too bad. It's not my fault you can't keep up with progress!' and quickly whip out your petrol powered leaf blower and blow them away.

Iced Ink
Go up to somebody and tell them that you bet they can't say 'ICED INK' ten times fast. After they've tried say, 'Phew! You're telling me!' and run away.

I was born on a pirate ship
Go up to somebody and tell them that you bet they can't hold the end of their tongue between their thumb and forefinger and say, 'I was born on a pirate ship' ten times fast. After they've tried say, 'I thought so,' and run away.

Dead rat
Go up to somebody who's wearing a hat and hold your nose and say, 'POOH, you smell like a dead rat!' and when they shake their heads in disbelief and say, 'I beg your pardon--what did you say?' Say, 'I said I DO like your HAT!' And when they say, 'Well, that's alright then--I thought you said I smelt like a dead rat!' you say, 'Well now that you mention it...' and run about 100 metres away and yell, 'YOU DO!'

Go up to somebody and tell them the following joke: 'Two penguins are standing on an iceberg in the Antarctic. One turns to the other and says 'Radio.' When you say, 'radio,' fall about laughing as if it's the funniest joke you have ever heard in your whole life. Your victim will be standing there wanting to laugh but not quite able to work out the point of the joke. Help them along by elbowing them in the side a couple of times and saying 'GEDDIT?! GEDDIT?! RADIO!' If they start laughing let them laugh for a while and then say, 'The joke has no point but you're laughing anyway--I always thought you were pretty stupid and now I know for sure.' If they don't laugh and just keep saying, 'I don't get it, what's so funny?' say, 'I should have known better than to waste such a good joke on you--I always thought you were pretty stupid and now I know for sure.'

I'm a brass lock, you're a brass key
Tell a friend that you're a lock and they're a key and that every time you say what sort of lock you are, they have to repeat that they're the same sort of key--so it goes like this. You go, 'I'm a brass lock' and they go, 'I'm a brass key.' You go, 'I'm a silver lock,' they go, 'I'm a silver key.' You go, 'I'm a gold lock,' they go, ''m a gold key.' You go, 'I'm a mun lock,' they go (without thinking) 'I'm a mun key.' Then you dance around in delerious spasms of delight going, 'Whoooh hoo! You're a MONKEY! You said it pal, not me! A MONKEY--Well! that explains a lot!' Then say 'I think it's a good thing that the truth is out at last. You'll feel better when we find you a nice cage in the zoo.'

Stamp collector
Go up to somebody who you know is a stamp collector and say, 'I understand you collect stamps--would you like another for your collection?'
And when they say, 'Yes please,'
say, 'Okay, you asked for it' and stamp on their foot. Then run away.

Post office prank
Go to the post office and tell the person behind the counter that you need to send something somewhere really urgently but that you're not sure what you have to send or who it's for or where it's supposed to go. If the Postmaster says that they can't help you unless you can supply more information, just tap the side of your nose with your finger and say, 'Sorry--that's the classified information--secret agent stuff.' String the joke along for ten minutes or so and then yell 'I'm not really a secret agent and I don't really have anything to send!' Then put your crash helmet on and escape the scene in your brand-new helicopter shoes.

You look like a monkey
Go to somebody's birthday party and when it comes time to cut the cake and sing happy birthday, sing the first two lines of the song normally and then raise your voice and drown everybody else out with this clever substitution:
Happy Birthday to you
You live in the zoo
You look like a monkey
And you smell like one too!
Then after all the hip hip hoorays are over, grab a big handful of birthday cake and say, 'I'm sorry. Of course, you don't smell like a monkey--you smell ten times worse!' and run away.

Jealous Attack

Such a lousy day today..

i've dressed up, finishing my works, then headed to the meeting point.
but that dumb cunt didn't come because of his girlfriend suddenly had that feckin chronic "jealous-attack".

When i called him. i can hear his girlfriend shouting from the back.

The mad chick : "What do u want from him, bitch??"

Me : " oh..tell her i dont want anything from u"

Him : " dun listen to her. Kerjaannya emang marah2 mulu"

Me : "Hehe.. such a scary girlfriend"

The mad chick : "Wake up! he's never come back to you. He's mine now, bitch!"

Me : "ha..?"

Him : "hehe.. jgn didengerin ya"

The mad chick : "Udaaaaah telponnyaaaaa!!! ngomong apa siiiih???! lama bgt!!!"

Ampuun deh ni cewe... total loon!
Yg ada nelponnya lama, it's beacuse i'm listening to her hysterical shouting and cursing.
Such a dumb mad chick.

Me : "Udah d klo gitu, urusin dulu ceweknya. Ntar malah bunuh diri"

Him : "Tapi.. g jadi ktemu? Yg aku pesen ma kmu udah ada? udh dibawain?"

The mad chick : "Hang up the phone!! Hang up!! or i'll throw u with ashtray!!"

Me : "Ada kok. I have it."

Him : "Simpenin yaaaah? Please..."

Me : "Can't promise. can't keep it for long, i'll smoke it soon. It's rude to keep the weed waiting"

Him : "Please... yaaah?"

The mad chick : "udaaaaaaaah!!!! matiin telponnya!!!!!"

Me : "engga ah.. udah yaaa... tha tha"

Him :"yaaaah... ya ud h deh... Dah.. Miss u..."

I hang up the phone, shocked..
Bisa2nya ceweknya teriak2 kyk kesurupan eh dia malah ended the call with "i miss you" ????!

Ceweknya juga aneh bgt sih.. Segitunya bgt.
oh man.. it's not like i'm gonna take away his boyfriend. Stupid..

So.. here i am.. back at the office again, and dun have any interest of going home.
wanna be at the beach rite now..
uuw.. sounds really good..

there is a good incident i wanna tell you.. but... hmm... not now.
maybe later, maybe tomorrow, maybe never. Hehehehe

anyway, haven't meet toothman today.. where is he?
such a weird person.. lucky for me to have a friend like that.

And.. one thing.. i'm glad i threw out my cellphones.
As those things gone, i had a very good sleep for the past few days.
Thank God..
even though rite now i feel like i'm isolated, but fine for me.

uf.. that's it for now.

tha tha

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Would you rather..???

Would you rather eaten by ants or lions?

That's a quite tough question, most people answers " depends". Too bad, they can't give me the expected answers.

anyway, some creatures other than human seems to be more open-minded and creative.

Here's some of the nice answers.

Rhino : I'd rather be fricasseed in bagel crumbs and served in a white wine sauce to wealthy industrialist.

Panda : I'd rather be beaten to death in a bamboo grove by starving poachers and sold off as an ointment

Queen of ORST-ralia : I insist that you allow me to be eaten by a brace of babbling barred bandicoots

Mrs.Biggins (from down the road) : I'd much rather be eaten alive by toads

Pope : I'd rather be pecked to death by chickens

Anonymous : I'd rather be trampled to death by rhinos

Einstein-ne : I insist on having my brains sucked out by a giant AArdvark

What about you? what's your answer?

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

little too late

Hm.. this song really does make me laugh.
Knowing that i've been there, and it was hard to get through.

but that was just a past.

Come with me
Stay the night
Ya say the words but boy it don't feel right
What do ya expect me to say (You know it's just too little too late)
You take my hand
And you say you've changed
But boy you know your begging don't fool me
Because to you it's just a game (You know it's just too little too late)

So let me on down
'Cause time has made me strong
I'm starting to move on
I'm gonna say this now
Your chance has come and gone
Cause you know...

It's just too little too late
A little too wrong
And I can't wait
But you know all the right things to say (You know it's just too little too late)
You say you dream of my face
But you don't like me
You just like the chase
To be real
It doesn't matter anyway (You know it's just too little too late)

I was young
And in love
I gave you everything
But it wasn't enough
And now you wanna communicate (You know it's just too little too late)
Go find someone else
I'm letting you go
I'm loving myself
You got a problem
But don't come asking me for help
'Cause you know...

I can love with all of my heart, baby
I know I have so much to give (I have so much to give)
With a player like you I don't have a prayer
That's no way to live
Ohhhh... mmm nooo
It's just too little too late

Fasting days.


Fasting days come..

it will be a feckin tough day for us, smokers...
uf... gonna be real tough!

people, please forgive me, for all the mistakes i made,.

hopefully, i see the God's Light and have my own enlightment to be a better person.



@home, August 17, 2007
HUT RI yang ke-62.
Tidak ada yang istimewa hari ini.

Acara tv pagi semuanya membosankan, aku memutuskan menyalakan dvd player dan menonton serial Nip/Tuck untuk menghabiskan waktu.
Bingung juga membayangkan bagaimana jadinya jika wanita-wanita di Indonesia meniru wanita-wanita bule di film tersebut.

Setiap bulan bertemu dokter bedah plastic untuk face-lift, atau implant payudara atau sedot lemak.

Ugh, apakah mereka tau apa yang dilakukan dokter-dokter itu saat mereka sedang dibius? Memang hasilnya membuat rasa percaya diri meningkat, tetapi prosesnya itu amat sangat menakutkan. Aku tidak akan menjelaskan bagaimana prosesnya, lebih baik nonton sendiri filmnya.

Satu hal yang pasti, karena menonton film itu, aku berjanji pada diriku untuk tidak melakukan operasi plastic sama sekali.

Lagipula, apa yang harus dirubah?

Walaupun tubuhku kurus, dan payudaraku mungil, aku tetap percaya diri dengan penampilanku sekarang.
Kalaupun ada yang harus dirubah, aku lebih memilih untuk minum obat gemuk supaya berat badanku bertambah.

Anyway, berat badanku bertambah tiga kilo, dari 35 kg naik menjadi 38 kg.
Lumayanlah dalam waktu seminggu bisa naik tiga kilo.

Semua itu karena weed alias ganja.

Setiap malam aku menghisap asap putihnya yang tawar, get high then eat like a monster.

Hohoho… emang caraku menggemukkan badan sangat ekstrem dan illegal, tetapi itu membuatku jadi gemuk.
Jadi aku tidak menganggap cara itu salah.

Mama dan Papa bahagia sekali melihat aku menjadi gemuk, mereka tidak perlu tau bagaimana caraku menjadi gemuk.

Aku cuma ingin jadi anak baik yang bisa membuat mama dan papa senang, walaupun dengan cara yang sebagian besar orang anggap salah.

But, hey.. I told you I’m no good at being good

My Synthetic Friend

Aku terbangun dari tidurku yang amat sangat nyenyak, tidurku hampa tanpa mimpi-mimpi.

Kenapa ya? Mungkin karena obat yang kuminum.

“hmm.. hebat juga obatnya si abang”, pikirku.
Padahal tadi aku gak percaya kalo obat itu bisa mengobati insomnia-ku.

Kata si abang, itu obat anti depresi, setiap kita berpikir terlalu keras, kita akan merasa mengantuk, itu supaya kita tidur dan berhenti berpikir.

Hoho.. obat ajaib.

Oh iya, aku tegaskan disini, aku tidak meminum obat itu melebihi dosis, hanya satu atau dua butir (25 mg – 50 mg) setiap hari, jadi it’s absolutely not a drugs abuse.
Coba baca di DOI (Daftar Obat di Indonesia), amt (nama obatnya kusingkat, untuk menghindari hal-hal yang tidak kuinginkan) adalah jenis obat anti-depressan dan tidak akan membahayakan apabila mengkonsumsi dibawah 200mg. So, I’m using it for health purpose.

Selama hampir sebulan, obat itu selalu menjadi temanku. Selama itu pula hari-hari ku diisi dengan meminjamkan telinga untuk mendengarkan keluh-kesah orang-orang disekitarku. Itu adalah salah satu bakat terpendamku yang lain, sebagai pendengar dan penasihat. Entah mengapa, hampir semua orang yang kukenal, mereka selalu menemuiku atau meneleponku saat mereka dalam masalah.

Lucu yah? Aku menjadi tempat pembuangan keluh-kesah mereka, dan siapa yang menjadi tempat pembuanganku?
Jawabannya simple sekali, aku membuang semuanya keatas kertas, baik lembaran kecil, lembaran besar, sobekan kecil ataupun sobekan besar. Di buku tulis, kertas A4, struk belanja, slip ATM, semuanya yang berwujud kertas kecuali uang, tentunya.
Tetapi, tulisan-tulisan itu mulai berkurang hingga tidak ada sama sekali semenjak aku mulai berteman dengan AMT ini.

Sebulan setelah perkenalanku dengan AMT, saat insomnia itu tidak lagi menjadi masalah, AMT tetap menjadi cemilan illegal ku setiap hari.
Bahkan, aku mulai meminumnya dengan kopi atau bir, karena efeknya sudah tidak sekuat sebelumnya. Padahal aku bisa menambah dosis nya menjadi 4 butir atau 5 butir tanpa takut overdosis, tetapi aku tidak mau. Tidak tahu apa alasanku saat itu (sampai sekarang pun aku tak tahu), aku hanya tidak mau.

Beberapa temanku bilang, saat aku dlm pengaruh AMT aku menjadi bego.
Peduli amat, toh aku tau saat efeknya hilang aku akan jadi pintar lagi.

Bagaimana kelanjutannya? apakah aku kecanduan?

Hm.. menjadi anak baik bukan bakatku, menjadi ketagihan pun bukan bakatku.

I’m not an addict, I just happened to like them.

Don’t worry, mama papa, aku gak akan kecanduan.

And it’s true! Setelah dua bulan dalam kegilaan yang tenang bersama AMT, aku berhenti dan tidak berteman lagi dengan AMT.

Tidak ada masalah, aku tetap bisa tidur dengan cukup, tidak ada rasa menggigil, atau “nagih”.

Semuanya normal.

i just can't stop writing.. damn!

i know..
i know..

there is something thet i really need rite now..
i need a hug.
a big fat hug!!! yessssh....!!!

anyway... i miss stoned boy.. my virtual friend.
no more news from him, sms, phone calls, emails, anything.
i wonder.. maybe his life is so good so that he doesn't need me anymore.
or maybe.. he never needed me.
i'm just a toy from killing a boring time.
well, good for him...

but still, i miss his stupidity.
never met a boy that as stupid as him.

well, stoned boy...
dont stop being stupid.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Same shyt Different day

around 19:30
telepon rmh bunyi, i picked it up, then...

me : allou
Oz : halo, irma nya ada?
me : sapa nii..?
Oz : ni ozone
me : ... (bengong sebentar) eeeeh... apa kbr?
Oz : baek.. loe gmn?
me : sama, baek juga. gini-gini aja lah
Oz : gue kangen elo
me : hehe.. dodol.. eeeh.. gue dipanggil nyokap, ntar loe telp gue lagi ya
Oz : hmm. iya deh. Daah
me : bye

ampun.. shock berat saya ini.
kok bisa, mantan pacar saya waktu smp tiba-tiba nelpon ??! tau darimana nomernya???!

tau ah.. lg bete bgt gue hari ini.
bingung, .

do i really need a cellphone?
i'm really tired of all those feckin myserious call, they ruined my good midnite sleep.
so annoying, had to wake up at 3:00 am because of my cell's lousy vibrate or loud ringtones!

i'm in such a bad mood today, i dont even smoke weed! dont have any interest at all.
not consuming any drugs and i dont even do social drinking.
dunno why..
i feel so tired..

totally same shyt, but different mood... a feckin bad mood..
i feel so shytty today..

i need to freshen up a bit.

i need something new.

i need real friend.

i need beach.

i need a hug.

and this is gettin more feckin shytty.
and more...
and more...

like always..
Same Shyt Different Day
too bad that the mood doesnt support me..

Monday, September 10, 2007

Uf.. penantian tiada akhir..

bingung aku..
Nungguin kabar dari lionmag, kpengen beli bat pingpong, dompet udah kurus, trus yang parahnya berat badan turun 1 kg.
Dugh.. ribet bgt rasanya..
uda gt pms pula, ancuuuur...

hm.. ada seseorang.. yg tiba-tiba memutuskan untuk menghilang, krn dia uda pny pacar.
aneh,. emang aku siapa nya? dia dmana aku dmana, emang aku harmful bgt terhadap hubungan dia dan pacar barunya???
Pas lg single kerjaannya laporan mulu, mo ini mo itu, lg ini lg itu.. serasa pny hubungan apaaa gituu..
Grow up lah, boy! i was just helping you get through your life, being someone and be there for you, just to made sure that you're not feeling lonely.
Trus skrg.. ya sudah..
aku uda terbiasa untuk jadi pengganti, a life coach, a love subtituter, whatever lah.
aku uda terbiasa menjadi seseorang yg setiap orang butuhin dan ditinggalin saat mereka udh nemuin yg baru.
itulah aku...