Monday, August 31, 2009

The slow recovery

After having its turbulences and blackout, finally my BB starts to recover.. Even tho it's very slow,at least it is getting better..
Hopefully it is gonna be back to its normal functions..
As for my self..
Not recovering at all..
Believe it or not, I still have rage against him.. I need to do a revenge, a very chic and sophisticated revenge, and of course with high intelectuality..
This wound is too hard to heal and to deep to vanish.. It'll leave a mark until forever..

Help me,God..
Forgive for this one..
I can forgive him, but I can't let go all those things that hurt me..

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Super skinny worm

Super skinny worm wanna cut herself in two..
Thenshe thinks that it will be less cutem
She wants to die by mutilating her self in a chic and sophisticated way,

Tahiiiiiiiiik.... Stressssss bgt gw..

Apa kbr irma?
Kabar baaaaaa(b)iiiiiiiiiiiikk...!!!!

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Saturday, August 29, 2009


ko potonya brantakan yahhh???

biarlah... pusing jga ngaturnya..
yg pnting ternyata ktemeu poto2 keiko di friendster (ooo maiii... FS???!!)

dan gw ud ga gtu sedih lgi...

in memoriam of keiko


Damn.. I need a damn sat-nite date...

Gila akh..gila...
Modem laptop error.. Ga bs onlen dr kpn tauuu, trus skrg malm minggu..
Uuuuuffff...... Stelah hari2 minggu2 yg berat dan tentunya tnpa kencan malm minggu, spertinya gw butuuuuuh bgt kencan malm ini... Or at least.. A social hangout..
Yes, I depressed...!!!!!!
So ffffffckin depressed...!!!!!!

I need a refreshing... And suddenly I feel alone...
Have no friends.. Where r u guys when I need u???
Don't just being here when u needed me... Aaakhhh... Taiik lo smua...
Sebel gw...

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Friday, August 28, 2009

Pink orange ..yayyy...

At last...
As "pink-orange" has always been my obsession..
I got this fffckin cute pink-orange stripped cardigan (or capuchon? Or hoodie? Or jacket? Ah wutever) ..
I bought it like 3 or 4 days ago (ehm..maybe 2 days ago?? Dunno) and just keep on searching an opportunity to wear it.. Since I've been on a social hangout degradation, so, no reason for me to where it bcos I'm goin nowhere..!!
Tonite... At last!!
Yayyy... Even it's not for a hangout, I'm glad enuff to wear it, even I only stay in the car..
Mmh.. Well, she's not a virgin anymore, cos I already wore it..!
And I'm not gonna lend it to anyone.. Is it clear? No one can ever borrow her..

That's it.. And why I refer my pink-orange stripped cardigan (or capuchon? Or hoodie? Or jacket? Or wutever) as she..?? Bcos... Mmh... Ummm... Errrr...

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Sialan oh sialan..

Gr2 kcentilan pgn ganti suasana blog, eh eh eh... Yg ada poto, quotes, puisi smua ilaaaaaaaang...

Ugh... Yg pling menyesakkan.. Ada poto gw ma keiko,pas lg d anyer..
Dan ternyata ga ada backup nyaaa..... Benciiiiiiiiii gw benciiiiiiiiiiiii
Mw nangissssssss..... Tu best pose nya keiko bgt :(
Tuuh.... Jd kangeeeeeen....
Klo dlu pas bln puasa gini, dy udh nunggu di pintu ruang tamu, pas azan ikutan buka puasa.. Wlpn makanannya beda..
Qta makan kolak,dy mkn pedigree..
Kangen keikoooooooo......
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Quoted from dato' shafik

"Watch your thoughts, for they become words. Watch your words, for they become actions. Watch your actions, for they become habits. Watch your habits, for they become character. Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny."
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A "before sleeping" notes

@mom's room @mom's bed

Being patheticly disgusting...
I'm thinking about love.. Errrrr...
Passion, to be exact..
I missed being full of passion..
I need intimacy
I need romance
I need those kinds of ffckin lame things..
not a big problem since I have a boyfriend.. Rite?
But it seems like my bf kinda losin his passion.. Or maybe there're more important things than those ffckin lame things?
Aah.. Dunno..
but I feel bitter..!!!!

Well... Ffck..
Confused.. Should sleep now..


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Thursday, August 27, 2009

Rutinitas hari ini

Gak bangun sahur, krn badan demam.. Untung lg tidur ma nyokap, jdi stidaknya ad yg nyadar klo gw demam.. Nyokap yg nyuru gw ga ush bgn sahur, ktnya pagi aja makannya, dy mw bikinin telor 1/2 mateng...
Sarapan juga engga... Krn ni bdn krasa makin ga enak... Tpi toh wlpn sakit, tetep hrs usaha ga dirasain kn..?
Akhirnya sore2, udh enakan ni bdn trus abis magrib lsg buka laptop ngerjain laporan keuangan...
Tiba2 ngerasa kyk sakit lgi.. Mata ngeblur, pala puyeng, perut mual..
Bru nyadar pas jam 11an malm apa sebab dr smua itu... Gw ternyata seharian blm makan... Maaakkkk... Goblok bgt gw jdi manusia.. Makan aja ampe lupa.. Sgini beratnya yah ampe lupa ma urusan perut?
Well... Tpi bersyukurlah udh ada nasi plus sayur bayam plus sayap ayam goreng tepung yg msuk ke perut gw, and yg lebih asik lagi...
Mama tersayang yg nyuapin... Hehehe...
Rasanya lsg tenaaaaaaang bgt...
Mama mama... Knp sih slalu bsa bkin irma lupa ma smua beban dan masalah yg ada cma dgn brada di deket irma?
Mmmh... Udah ah critanya... Mw tidur, cos I really need a gawddamn gud rest.. Bsk kudu kerja, and skrg udah ga sabar mw tidur lgi di sbelah mama...

Nite2, fella...
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Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Another insom attack?

Aaah... Siaullll...
Malem ni jam sgini msh blm ngantuk...
Pdhl 2 minggu blakangan ni, slalu tidur jam 7an trus bgn jam 9 or 10an trus tidur lgi jam 11an ampe pagi menjelang..
Or pas puasa, yah bgn sahur bntar lsg tidur lgi ampe pagi..
Tapiii... Ngapa ni skrg blm ngantuka2 juga???!!!!
Drtd jga blm tidurrrr... Aaaargh..... Fffffffck... Gw pgn bobo... Ndak mau bgadangan...
Nanti kuyus..
Btw just for info, 45 skrg kmbali menjadi obsesi gw.. Krn gw skrg 37.. Omajoooooodh... Macam ikan asin bulu ayam body gw skrg...
Udh bkn lg skinny worm (nickname dr sonjed) tpi udh jadi super skinny worm.. Ugh...

Gmn yah caranya ndud lagi..??
My cute ass started to lose its cute-ness.. Damn damn damn....!!!!!! #
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Bgini figur seorang kakak?

Tough day today.. So fffffckin hard day..
Di kantor ga beres, puasa batal gara2 nangis plus emosi..
Dtambah lgi dimaki-maki ma kakak..
Heran gw ma kakak gw yg satu itu..
Ada apa2 ngamuk, teriak2, ya apalah kyk kesetanan.. Seolah2 org yg diajak ngomong tu sampah...
Dan sialnya hari ini yg jadi sampah dimuka dy itu gw..
Emang gw tuh siapa??? Gw adeknyaaaa...!!!!!! Hey brother, wake up!!,
Beda umur kita tuh 9 tahun..
Gw cewek lo cowok...
Bsa kn pke cara laen untuk negur atw apa gt?
Toh ksalahan bukan di gw kok.. Knp hrs gw yg di sampah2in...??? Sediiiiiiih kak... Sakit ni hatiiiii....
Gw udh ngerasa enuff bgt buat hri ini, cukup cukup dan CUKUP...!!!!!

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Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Fasting month?

Damned me..
The hardest thing to resist is not to eat or drink.. Or smoking (yea, maybe a bit hard) but....
The hardest thing is not to get tempered and yelled and got mad and cursed... Ow ow.. The last is the most often thing I do..
I cursed and I cursed and I cursed..!!! Cursing with dirty and filthy words..

Oh dear God, please help me...
Teach me how to curse like a lady..
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Monday, August 24, 2009

udah lama..... uhhh...

skian lama lupa ma nih blog, yg dulunya gw commit as the only one who wont give any judgement on my life...
ternyata terlupakan juga...
yah.. manusia namanya juga...

well anyway........
so much things happenned until i think i started to be normal...
mmh... i'll try to write more often.. not to tell u about my life, just for a reminder to myself in case i have somekind of amnesia of skip syndrome... hehehe...

that's all...

mmh... one thing ...

ga bsa yah blogger dri BB ???
ribet kan jadinya klo hrus buka web nya muluuu.....