seorang jalang berkata kpd saya.
lagu ini... irma bgt..
dunno why..
dun get the point..
but that's the point... his saying is "pointless"
tapi... spertinya ini emang irma bgt yah?
in a forrest pitch-dark
glowed the tiniest spark
it burst into flame
like me
like me
my name isobel
married to myself
my love isobel
living by herself
in a heart full of dust
lives a creature called lust
it surprises and scares
like me
like me
my name isobel
married to myself
my love isobel
living by herself
when she does it she means to
moth delivers her message
unexplaind on your collar
crawling in silencea simple excuse
nana na nananana na nana
in a tower of steel
nature forges a deal
to raise wonderful hell
like me
like me
my name isobel married to myself
my love isobel
living by herself
when she does it she means to
moth delivers her message
unexplain on your collar
crawling in silence
a simple excuse
*darling jalang... aku msh mencari lagu apa yg pas untuk kamu*
Hasil USG 31 Minggu
12 years ago
Labels: whatever...