What does the word asinine mean?
look for it in a dictionary, darling..
cos i wont tell..
well, anyway, tonite it's a hell awless nite.
feel like in archaen ( look up again in dictionary,hon),
sebenernya, ga tau knapa aku tu lg ngerasa suntuk bgt. Anehnya rasa suntuk itu dateng bukan pas puasa, tapi setelah aku buka puasa.
Thank God, aku diberi kemudahan untuk puasa.
Tapii... setelahnya itu loh! ampun deh..!!
trus pengen aja keluar sebentar, liat dunia luar, menghirup udara luar.
Bukan pengen ke mall atau clubbing atau apalah, aku cuma pengen ngiter-ngiter aja.
but not alone.
i'm hoping that my bestfriend, tuthmen, will be able to accompany me.
so i waited for him to come. And he come..
but.. the problem starts there.
Somehow he doesn't want to go anywhere.
He just lay there on my mom's sofa, ngerasa kyk dirumahnya sendiri.
I feel like i'm gonna blow my own head off, u sure know how it feels.
jadi aku pergi aja, tentunya dengan membanting pintu rumah dgn amat sgt keras (i hope i didn't broke it, maaf pa.. tp aku emosi bgt)
trus aku jalan deh,...
dan u know what.. he, the only person that i considered as my bestfriend, didin't follow me,.
in fact, i know.. bahwa dia tetep dgn posisi nya yaitu tiduran di sofa mama.
gila yah..???! ga ada pedulinya sama sekali..
at least, ngomong apa kek gitu..
but he says nothing...
so ... i walked out... alone...
and now, being alone, is the very last thing i want. But i got it. Feels like shyt.
is it the best thing that my bestfriend can do?
abandon me...?
so what my enemy will do to me?
kill me?
hmm.. being killed is better than being alone.. maybe... dunno...
just feel so shytty rite now. and i dunno what to do next.
maybe i'll put him to death, that asinine..
Hasil USG 31 Minggu
12 years ago
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