today's mood is so 'effin [=ffckin] screwed.
need 2 get myself back on d line.
how? how?
u ask how?
u wanna knoe how?
haha.. easy..
i just take a deep breath and said to myself,
"ok then. JALANG mode: Perfectly ON !!"
yesh..believe it or not. it was that easy.
as for dat 'effin unworthy boy.
i kinda wanna keep'em for a while.
i'll just pretend 2 b a hell nice bitch [just lyk he wanted me 2 b]
but, watch ur back,cunt... i am gonna make u fall down on ur kness n break urself apart.
talking 'bout bein way too dramatic, but this'll be 'effin interesting.
gonna clean up my polished-nail,
gonna stop drinking [in front of'em of course! d backshows will surely go on!],
gonna lessen my ciggs...
gonna be a nice girl [or bitch? u name it]
after everything seems 2 b back in their places.
am gonna show it all off.
am gonna reveal my true self.
of course after i got laid. [depends on d result, or how much "coming" i got]
**if d results is "gud", am gonna use the polite way 2 show'em d real me.
lyk :
"honey,dat was gud...umm..i'm sorry dat all these times i've been lying. d fact is i nevr stop drinking, i still wear nailpolish behind ur back. and still smoke a box of ciggs everyday. Will u forgive me,darling? i swear i can change..."
**if d results is "argh", am gonna use my original whore's way.
"wat d ffck was dat..??! i didnt even moan..!! well, u knoe. afterall those lies dat i've been tellin u. i've always thought dat it'll worth a gud sex. but now...??? aaah,,... u r so 'effin lame boy! and i still drunk even now, i'm drunk. can u tell? still smoke a lotss. still wear nail polish. and i even wanna dye my hair purple. and yesh, u can leave me. cos, u knoe wat? u're not dat gud.. even worse... u're... ah..even junior high school boy can do it better."
**if d results is "coming..coming.coming..ah..damn! coming again"
i'll say nothing.
better do it again... and again... and again...
i can do the talking later, can't i?
[how can u throw away sucha gift?? huehehehe]
Hasil USG 31 Minggu
12 years ago
Labels: whore[ish] thoughts