i w0nt make anY pr0Logue oR s0mething...
it's jUst enuff 0f d cRaps.. i'll just cut to the chase..
h0h0... whAt a tremendous tRagedy i had..
it was started when i walked my dog through my inFamous neiGhborh0od, though it's still early but the wh0le pe0ple already stuck on their 0wn beds.. Gad..can u imaGine, it's 9pm but looks like it's alreaDy 2am??! ( iGnore d Grammar, i'm n0t using it)
then, we walked, together, in silence.. yea cos how can i have two-way conversation wit a dog?
hmmpf.. but i purposively talked to him every time he shytted on every trees, tires, "tiang listrik", and else- cos i was feckin stoned n it was better to talk to a dog than to a tree!
Suddenly... when we passed d "garden of forbidden sex"-place where every dogs including mine, had their orgy party, or swingers or blind date or "sex is for fun" thing- a huge gigantic rat passed by crossing the street and stopped at the middle and stared at both of us.
and u know what??? The rat run through to us, in other words, he chases us (i refer the rat as "he",i will never refer the rat as "she"!!! never!!! )
I shouted "Ruuuuun!!!!! run for ur life!!!" (it is a cliche line used in movies, n i used it in real life)
I ran.. as fast as i could, dunno why even though i was so stoned, i can ran fast as a lite..hoho..
the THC was defeated by my adrenaline..
i ran along the street with wide and deep sewager (or u can say "comberan") heading my way home. I forgot bout my dog, i knew he can survive himself.
I positively sure that time, that i'll arrive home secure, until.........
I accidentally thrown or sunk or swam or slipped into that black-slimmy "comberan" by my mighty idiotic inFamous dog..
damn... how can a dog feel afraid of rat??!
He ran faster than me and bump on me, as the result of that: we're both bathing in that smell-like-1000 varieties of shyts-blend together "comberan"
hoho.. it was a tragedy... but when u're stoned... u can only laugh... but i smirk...
enuff of tis... hmmmpf... i gotta make another joint..n smoke..
what's best than stoned and high on THC ??
it's jUst enuff 0f d cRaps.. i'll just cut to the chase..
h0h0... whAt a tremendous tRagedy i had..
it was started when i walked my dog through my inFamous neiGhborh0od, though it's still early but the wh0le pe0ple already stuck on their 0wn beds.. Gad..can u imaGine, it's 9pm but looks like it's alreaDy 2am??! ( iGnore d Grammar, i'm n0t using it)
then, we walked, together, in silence.. yea cos how can i have two-way conversation wit a dog?
hmmpf.. but i purposively talked to him every time he shytted on every trees, tires, "tiang listrik", and else- cos i was feckin stoned n it was better to talk to a dog than to a tree!
Suddenly... when we passed d "garden of forbidden sex"-place where every dogs including mine, had their orgy party, or swingers or blind date or "sex is for fun" thing- a huge gigantic rat passed by crossing the street and stopped at the middle and stared at both of us.
and u know what??? The rat run through to us, in other words, he chases us (i refer the rat as "he",i will never refer the rat as "she"!!! never!!! )
I shouted "Ruuuuun!!!!! run for ur life!!!" (it is a cliche line used in movies, n i used it in real life)
I ran.. as fast as i could, dunno why even though i was so stoned, i can ran fast as a lite..hoho..
the THC was defeated by my adrenaline..
i ran along the street with wide and deep sewager (or u can say "comberan") heading my way home. I forgot bout my dog, i knew he can survive himself.
I positively sure that time, that i'll arrive home secure, until.........
I accidentally thrown or sunk or swam or slipped into that black-slimmy "comberan" by my mighty idiotic inFamous dog..
damn... how can a dog feel afraid of rat??!
He ran faster than me and bump on me, as the result of that: we're both bathing in that smell-like-1000 varieties of shyts-blend together "comberan"
hoho.. it was a tragedy... but when u're stoned... u can only laugh... but i smirk...
enuff of tis... hmmmpf... i gotta make another joint..n smoke..
what's best than stoned and high on THC ??
Labels: taste of NUTTINESS