hmm... it's such a superb thing that i brought tis feckin laptop wit me.
i'm hiGh oN THC, hyDr0 anD a biT of coke... th0se feckin illicit substances making all my fella here g0ne wiLd...or beserk, i w0uld say.
and me... i'm feeling wonderfuly creative at tis moment, thanks to those "God-Forbid" things.
i was thinking of making my own abstract masterpiece on tis cottage's wall. Like sort of painting, child-drawing and graffity that blends together. But hell, i won't afford to re-paint it back into a lame-off white-colored walls (their original color!)
Anyway, does God really forbid those substances? some of them produced by technology, did they even exist when Adam met Eve? ha...
Thanks again to tis feckin laptop and unlimited connection to internet, i managed to distribute my unorganized minds and creativity through tis gawddamn blog.
anyway, rite now ( actually, it was started yesterday) tis hellishly wild and illegal bachelorette party is like an alternatif for me to get killed before i'm married to sum1. Or if i'm lucky enuf i'll commit suicide, or overdose.. though, i know i'm just being way too dramatic or histeric (i got anxiety disorder, darling).
My whole life is like a endless drama, but luckily my part is as a "drama-queen crasher".
i hate drama queen, the outside, the inside, they're all the same. They are brain-less creature!!!
thanks again to technology, i'll be trippin my way to the moon, soon...
that's all... the effects kinda runnin off, i should take another long inhale and sniffin the fat line.
c u.. later.. maybe in 25 minutes.
till then... wonder about me..
Hasil USG 31 Minggu
12 years ago
Labels: taste of NUTTINESS