Fck u all!!
dun jUdge.. duN taLk sHyt.. dUn pReteNd t0 CaRe..
hoho0.. what's happenin here, fella?
juSt waNna c0mpLaininG s0methinG 0n s0methinG.. (somethinG daT d0esnt judge or give c0mment)
So here it g0es.. my unreasonably reasonabLe piEce 0f cRaps..
i'm gaiNinG weigHt.. yeEesh.. fR0m 35 t0 38.. weLL d0nE! 3 kiLos in a wEek..
ThanKs t0 the inCredibLy pRecioUS wEeD.. makin mE hiGh ab0vE thEn eAt LikE a m0nsTer..
anyWay, i'm g0nna aDdin a neU stUff aS a mEmbeR 0f mY staSh..
hYdr0.. o0o.. hydRo.. whaT shouLd i saY b0uT u?
u mAde mE s0 fcKd uP, h0oo.. buT i'm Luvin thE fckd-up-ness..
i dun care, whatcha all think abouT me.. i reaLLy dun caRe n i dUn evEn waNNa kn0w.
Cos n0b0dy knows mE beTter than mYseLf, rite?
theRe iS onLy onE thinG dat i'm g0nna teLL u, L0ud n cLear :
- i'm n0t an AddiCt, i juSt haPpeNed t0 Like thEm-
simPle, isn' it?
why maKe it c0mpLicaTed, then?
tha2 for n0w..
Hasil USG 31 Minggu
12 years ago
Labels: taste of NUTTINESS