Thursday, August 23, 2007

jUst anNoyinG..!!

Fck u all!!
dun jUdge.. duN taLk sHyt.. dUn pReteNd t0 CaRe..

hoho0.. what's happenin here, fella?
juSt waNna c0mpLaininG s0methinG 0n s0methinG.. (somethinG daT d0esnt judge or give c0mment)

So here it g0es.. my unreasonably reasonabLe piEce 0f cRaps..
i'm gaiNinG weigHt.. yeEesh.. fR0m 35 t0 38.. weLL d0nE! 3 kiLos in a wEek..
ThanKs t0 the inCredibLy pRecioUS wEeD.. makin mE hiGh ab0vE thEn eAt LikE a m0nsTer..
anyWay, i'm g0nna aDdin a neU stUff aS a mEmbeR 0f mY staSh..
hYdr0.. o0o.. hydRo.. whaT shouLd i saY b0uT u?
u mAde mE s0 fcKd uP, h0oo.. buT i'm Luvin thE fckd-up-ness..

i dun care, whatcha all think abouT me.. i reaLLy dun caRe n i dUn evEn waNNa kn0w.
Cos n0b0dy knows mE beTter than mYseLf, rite?

theRe iS onLy onE thinG dat i'm g0nna teLL u, L0ud n cLear :

- i'm n0t an AddiCt, i juSt haPpeNed t0 Like thEm-

simPle, isn' it?
why maKe it c0mpLicaTed, then?

tha2 for n0w..

Sunday, August 19, 2007

the "3 joints" incident

Pfiuh... at last... landed back again into tis neSt of inFamous cReatures...

well.. dunno wat to write, cos the effect kinda wears off... i'm not gonna rechargin myself, tho... those substances are more useful on weekends, rite?
dududu... i'm so grateful that my stash of weed still rest in peace inside my pearly grey Aigner purse (or should i say wallet?). I brought that on my last trip for "secureness".. hoho... just in case, if somehow i lost my appetite or in a grouchy mood,that "thing" will save me..

hmm... there was sumthing funny (or stupid, or genius, or.. whatever) happenned.
So, there was tis party on that feckin island, then... we just hop in, trying to act famous (even though everyone knows we're totally inFamous)- one of my friend(who's totally under LSD) shouted "Oo mA Gawd..!!! there's ur dad, bitch!!! oo my... it's ur dad, it's mr.muis.. Damn, u dumb bitch!! u made him come!! whadda feck we should do??!"
Heee??! i can't believe that my dad would actually come to tis dumb island... i just cant believe..
i turned my head all around til i thought that my neck will broke, but there's no sign of him.
i was so panic (my palm was sweating, so i thought i had a panic attack)..
i was forcing myself to focus, carefully searching for my dad... but... can't find him..
Then that dumb LSD bitch shouted again "oo..feck!! i see mr. Puckov screwing my mom... i gotta go to her... that bitch! what was she thinking???!! how dare... she betrayed my dad!!! Biiiiiitch...!!!!"
that time i knew... she was just being delutional! she's being paranoid. ( u ask how??)
Because,,, mr.Puckov is a gay teacher in "Another Gay Movie" that we watched last nite!!

nope... i haven't tell you the best part..

As the result because of that momentum and certain substances that i've consumed, which is making everything seems so dramatic, i purposive-ly chewed and swallowed 3 joints of weed without pushing in with water.
Feels like hell, darling... it's breaking my heart (simply thinking what a "3 joints of weed" could do if i smoke them.. hix), and it felt like a whole bunch of pubic hair stuck in my throat.. oh.. so sad... but luckily, they weren't mine, i just happenned to be the carrier. hohoho.. but still, so sad....

hmmpf... i hate that dumb bitch.. and as for the other bitches, they didn't even realise what's happening, they didn't notice, they didn't even know and they didn't even care.

Thanks to God, it's the LSD bitch that is gettin married... if she wasn't the one who's gettin married, she'll be thrown to the sea by me...

okey.. enuff is enuff... not gonna write more, cos my fingers hurt.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Carrot and egg

haven't recharging my self yet...

just wanna let ya all know...

blend some mashed carrot and egg, mask ur face, then... ur face will sparkling and the skin will be smoother than before.. i'm wearing it now..

wat couldn't be more idiotic than gettin high while wearing a carteg (means: carrot and egg) mask on ur face? hehehehe...

well, look at tis photo, i'm the neu "orange-swamp thing" !!! hohoho

tHanks t0 teChn0Logy

hmm... it's such a superb thing that i brought tis feckin laptop wit me.
i'm hiGh oN THC, hyDr0 anD a biT of coke... th0se feckin illicit substances making all my fella here g0ne wiLd...or beserk, i w0uld say.

and me... i'm feeling wonderfuly creative at tis moment, thanks to those "God-Forbid" things.
i was thinking of making my own abstract masterpiece on tis cottage's wall. Like sort of painting, child-drawing and graffity that blends together. But hell, i won't afford to re-paint it back into a lame-off white-colored walls (their original color!)
Anyway, does God really forbid those substances? some of them produced by technology, did they even exist when Adam met Eve? ha...

Thanks again to tis feckin laptop and unlimited connection to internet, i managed to distribute my unorganized minds and creativity through tis gawddamn blog.

anyway, rite now ( actually, it was started yesterday) tis hellishly wild and illegal bachelorette party is like an alternatif for me to get killed before i'm married to sum1. Or if i'm lucky enuf i'll commit suicide, or overdose.. though, i know i'm just being way too dramatic or histeric (i got anxiety disorder, darling).

My whole life is like a endless drama, but luckily my part is as a "drama-queen crasher".
i hate drama queen, the outside, the inside, they're all the same. They are brain-less creature!!!

thanks again to technology, i'll be trippin my way to the moon, soon...

that's all... the effects kinda runnin off, i should take another long inhale and sniffin the fat line.

c u.. later.. maybe in 25 minutes.
till then... wonder about me..

iS it sLuTty????!!!!!

moRe shyt t0 write, m0re cRaps t0 ReaD..
accept it, fella... u'll g0nna read it anyway...

it's a bit sentimental, but if y0u wanted a Love st0ry, buY a feckin n0vel..
c0s it's n0t bout Love, it's about m0raLity.. yea rite.. tis time, i'm gonna write bout my morality (u kn0w i'm Lack oF m0ral..)

i stopped n think for a while, about something that sumone said to me.. hmm..sumone? or maybe my minds that comes wit it? dun care.. i think it was my mind that said that to me.

i Was never a nice girl, t0 my fam, my friends, or to anyone.
(note: nice refers to high self-monitoring, easy-to-control, table-manner, no-dirty words, etc)
I'm a bright individual, gifted with well-brains, considerable beauty, flat belly, and everything come wit the high expectation from my parents.
nothing's wrong wit that.

my liking of THC or alcohol or substances or nite life, was considerably normal according to real-people in a real-life.

but there is something that was until now, has been marked as amoral, or slutty, or bitchy, or...hmmpf.. u name it...

is it wrong if i like kissing, hugging, cuddling?????
i love the feel of them, how those things comforted me, secured me...
everyone says "fine if u do it wit ur boyfriend"

then... how's it gonna be when i'm single and un-attached to someone?
if i'm doing it wit someone that "i'm not fall in love wit but he has the comfort", will it be a slutty thing? does that mean that i'm a bitch or cheappish?

i dun need a boyfriend, just need to be kissed, hugged and cuddled....

is it too much....??

hmmpf... cunts out there, i'm not that easy.. so dont u ever think about it...!!!

enuffff...... mmpf...

oOu.. tRageDy..

i w0nt make anY pr0Logue oR s0mething...
it's jUst enuff 0f d cRaps.. i'll just cut to the chase..

h0h0... whAt a tremendous tRagedy i had..
it was started when i walked my dog through my inFamous neiGhborh0od, though it's still early but the wh0le pe0ple already stuck on their 0wn beds.. Gad..can u imaGine, it's 9pm but looks like it's alreaDy 2am??! ( iGnore d Grammar, i'm n0t using it)

then, we walked, together, in silence.. yea cos how can i have two-way conversation wit a dog?
hmmpf.. but i purposively talked to him every time he shytted on every trees, tires, "tiang listrik", and else- cos i was feckin stoned n it was better to talk to a dog than to a tree!
Suddenly... when we passed d "garden of forbidden sex"-place where every dogs including mine, had their orgy party, or swingers or blind date or "sex is for fun" thing- a huge gigantic rat passed by crossing the street and stopped at the middle and stared at both of us.

and u know what??? The rat run through to us, in other words, he chases us (i refer the rat as "he",i will never refer the rat as "she"!!! never!!! )

I shouted "Ruuuuun!!!!! run for ur life!!!" (it is a cliche line used in movies, n i used it in real life)
I ran.. as fast as i could, dunno why even though i was so stoned, i can ran fast as a lite..hoho..
the THC was defeated by my adrenaline..
i ran along the street with wide and deep sewager (or u can say "comberan") heading my way home. I forgot bout my dog, i knew he can survive himself.
I positively sure that time, that i'll arrive home secure, until.........

I accidentally thrown or sunk or swam or slipped into that black-slimmy "comberan" by my mighty idiotic inFamous dog..
damn... how can a dog feel afraid of rat??!
He ran faster than me and bump on me, as the result of that: we're both bathing in that smell-like-1000 varieties of shyts-blend together "comberan"

hoho.. it was a tragedy... but when u're stoned... u can only laugh... but i smirk...

enuff of tis... hmmmpf... i gotta make another joint..n smoke..
what's best than stoned and high on THC ??