After few decades (ah..please), urmm..few days actually.. My stormy mood ends..
But this is the most dangerous time, the calm after the storm.
Just like reality, storm ruins everything, and after ended.. It will be calm.. Calm like nothing existed..
No life around, messed up nature and fcked up atmosphere..
Well.. Just like me now..
The stormy mood finally ends.. And it leaves me a moodless mood.. A soul-less soul.. A lifeless life.. A hopeless hope.. A sleepless sleep.. A loveless love..
And a mindless mind..
I'm gettin nuts..
Need medic ASAP .. Please.. Before I got hysterical attack
Tha2 for now..
If u have somekind of medical or unmedical cure, please do contact me
Hasil USG 31 Minggu
12 years ago