Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Godaan saat bertobat

sumpah!! judulnya keren bner yak?
Ada yg bkl percaya g ya?
sum people who knew me well will believe it.
emang mw bertobat itu susah.
bakaln byk godaan2 yg sulit sekali untuk ditolak.


1. Nongkrong brg bersama teman2, then they alcoholized theirselves... but i said "no"

2. after being alcoholized, they smoked and got high on THC, and i still said "no"

3. Got home, and other friends came... they sniffed fat lines of coke.. argh.. i said "no"

4. The next day. cousins came,took me for a walk... then they smoked hasch.. oh.. damn.. but i said "no"

5. Got home, and they came again... smoked again, and still i said "no"

6. The next day. They picked me up. Having brunch together accompanied by red and sparkling white wine... uff... i said "no".. even tho... ah.. forget it..

Uff... i wonder.. what will come tomorrow?

but... i will still say "no" no matter what happen.

wish me a very good faith... to stay sober.. amin...

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Budukan!! ha..??

Thank God..
family's day minggu ini ternyata ga ngebosenin sperti minggu2 lalu.
nonton dvd ama papa, dan hebatnya dia milih pilem "300" instead of pilem2 perang yg aneh.
well, after lunch, ak hrs mandiin si keiko.
kata papa, dia udh bau bgt, emang bau sihh... bau2 anjing gitu deh, yaelah namanya juga anjing.

so.. ak nyiapin ember + shampoo dee-dee yg stoberi (kesukaan keik0), trus ak mandiin dia dgn penuh kasih sayang dan kesabaran.
truss... ya allah... tu anjing byk bgt korengnya!! di leher, di dada, di paha, di kaki, di tangan...
uff... pokoknya koreng dmana2.. ampe kaget.. kok ni anjing bs jd anjing buduk gini..
korengnya tu gak kliatan krn bulu2nya lumayan lebat dan rada gondrong dikit, plus warnanya yg bikin koreng2 jd tdk kasat mata. jd br ktauan pas dimandiin.

ak handukin dia ampe kering, sambil mikir dlm hati "kok ak reckless bgt ya?untung ni anjing ga mati gara2 kebanyakan koreng"
uuh.. emang dasar yg pny preman, anjingnya jd ikutan preman. Doyan brantem tapi ma anjing2 yg gede, ama anak anjing takut ama tikus takut apalagi ama kecoa. Aneh...

jadi, ak buru2 nyelesein bathing task ku, supaya bs lsg laporan ma papa dan mama.

then, u know what? pas ak laporan ma papa and mama, mrk malah bilang...
"sama dong kyk km, budukan juga..."


kejaaaaaaam.... kejaaaaaam niaaaaaan....

ak tarik napas nahan emosi trus blg ke mrk..
"ma,pa.. ak buduk kan gr2 kena ujan, kan ak alergi!! smua org juga tau... tega bgt siiii"

mrk jawab..
"sama aja toh,de? keiko buduk gr2 brantem, km buduk gr2 ujan. What's d difference? toh sama2 budukan kan?"

aarrrrgh... ya udh... ak tinggalin mereka.. balik lg ke keiko trus ngadu ke dia dgn penuh emosi.
ak ngarep keiko bkl deketin ak, trus tiduran di kakiku..
instead of doing that, dia mlh masuk rumah trus ngegelendot ma ma2ku..

dasar anjing sialan...

Wednesday, October 24, 2007


udah lama g nulis2 disini, ga sempet, ga ada mood juga.
skrg sebenernya juga lagi ga mood, tapi... g ada kerjaan lain..

gmn yah,?
tegang bgt rasanya, neuron2 bekerja dgn high speed, otot2 kaku bgt rasanya, dan jantung saya memompa dengan ngototnya, blm lagi adrenalin rush nya.. duugh.. parah deh!

it's been a while, since my last "gettin high on synthetic"
dan skrg? wuih... brantakan2 gitu deh..
ni jari2 pengennya ngetik 1000 kata per detik, tapi apa daya.. ga bs juga... hohoho

atau... kenceng? argh... terserah lah mau nyebut apa.
yg dirasain skrg sbenernya tegang..
pengen gerak
pengen bengong
duh.. campur2 lah pokoknya..

lucunya.. kok aku sendirian yah?
dari santai ampe tegang, tetep sendirian..
i am a loner... huahahaha
kdg emang enak sendirian, rame2 bikin ribet, apalagi klo udh menyangkut ampeth.
drpd drop trus bt..
anyway, miss the way ampeth treated me.
tegang ini bkn krn ampeth, tapiiiiii.... si kokakoka ituuu lhooo...
emang bangke!
tapi enak.
ya sudah lah..
ngapain nyampah terus disini?
enggak juga...
masih tegang, makin tegang.

jd inget.
tutmen, feck u!!!!!!!

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Jelly Candy and Clothesline Picnic

Idul Fitri is coming, and my family already got that celebration-preparation madness.

It’s still a week to go, but it feels like it’s gonna be tomorrow. Uff…

So, this year is a bit different than usual (last year or last two years or last three years).

Mommy decided not to make cookies. Uuw.. she made up her mind that she’s gonna just buy them.

Saves lots of energy and time”, she said. Ok, mom.. no objection then..

And there is one thing that I considered as a breakthrough.

Mommy wants to make her own candies. Yummy… totally..


What’s not yummy is, I have a new torching assignment.

Well, gonna tell you about that later,. first, I’m gonna tell you how to make a bunch of jelly candies. Ok ok? interesting? no? hm.. still gonna tell you, like it or not. haha

---Jelly Candy---

  • 400 gr of sugar
  • 250 cc of water
  • 1 pack of jelly powder (with color)

How to:

  • Mix all the ingredients in a pot, cook them under medium fire and don’t forget to stir well. Wait until it boils and coagulate.
  • Pick up and pour into a square brass or pan.
  • Wait until it’s become a real jelly.
  • Cut it into small pieces ( square like real candy), best with wavy-edged knife.
  • Dry them under the sun until it dries and the sugar crystallized.
  • Wrap them with plastic or colorful non-toxic paper.
  • Eat them ! hohoho…

Ok, that’s it.. so easy..

Um.. remember when I tell you that I had a new torching assignment?

Well, when the jelly being dried up under the sun, I’m the one that supposed to look after them. Make sure that they are ok. Prevent all ants or any small creatures to get near them.


It was like 1:00 pm in the afternoon, and the sun was being really mean (or maybe he’s in a very good mood) because he shines brightly and the heat was unbearable.

Hoho… I got sunburn on my own fckn house. Totally not funny!

And when I complained to mom, she said “Consider it as a picnic, princess. Isn’t it lovely? Don’t you always laff picnic?

Uff.. Get real, mom. This ain’t picnic at all.

But what can I say?

So I grab my precious sunglass (the one that I only wear on the beach) and my cap.

And have a fckn picnic on my clothesline, until it’s already 4:00 pm.

But it’s not done yet, gonna do that again tomorrow. Because the candies haven’t perfectly dried up.