Sunday, March 8, 2009

nu routine... as an isolator..

im workin as an isolator..

paan sigh tugh??

jdi kerjaan ku meng-isolate orang yg emang butuh kesendirian dan ketenangan...
kesendirian disini bkn berarti bener2 sendiri, bisa juga dikelilingi orang tapi yg ga dikenal.

cara isolate org macem2..

ada yg dikurung di kamar (normal nya rata2 kbykn org)
ada di genteng or balkon
di perpustakaan
or....... dmn2...!!!!!!!!!

it's a challenging job, and it's fun especially when the person refused to be isolated.
but it's my task, my job and my income source.. so.. i gotta do it without having any pity...


i am a cold-blooded isolator

Saturday, March 7, 2009


hehe.. ive always hated weekends.. but u know what? the strange thing now is..
i learned to like weekend.. mmh... to exact is im tryin to be happy on weekend.

u see, lamount came up wit the term "hppy saturday".. every early saturday, he always texting me or saying "hppy saturday, darl".
at first i fet like wanna ppuke all over the floor..
but through time, im gettin used of that words.

hehe.. and now i just cant wait for weekend, just to hear those words.
hehehe... i know it's lame.

but dont worry, everything between us is always two ways.
i learned to like weekends, and he learned to LOVE monday... just like i do...

mmh.... the fact of me loving monday is way more strange and lame than waiting saturday to come, aite???


happy saturday, fella